package main; # The base name for all document cross reference roots. # For local documents this would be: # $DOCBASE = '/star/docs/'; # And for remote documents at RAL: $DOCBASE = ''; sub do_cmd_xref{ my $arg = shift; my ($text, $docname, $label); $arg =~ s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$text = $2; ''/eo; $arg =~ s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$docname = $2; ''/eo; $arg =~ s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$label = $2; ''/eo; # Default for local documents would be: #join('','',$text,'',$arg); # And for remote ones (notice?). join('','',$text,'',$arg); } sub do_cmd_xlabel{ local($_) = @_; my $label; s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$label = $2; ''/eo; $label =~ s/\n//g; $label =~ s/ //g; $label =~ s/\t//g; $label = 'xref_' . $label; &anchor_label( $label, $CURRENT_FILE, $_); } sub do_env_quote { join('',"
"); } sub do_env_quotation { join('',"
"); } sub do_env_verse { join('',"
"); } 1;# This must be the last line