EXAMPLE FILES FOR SSN/75 ======================== This directory contains the example files for SSN/75 'Writing Catalogue and Image Servers for GAIA and CURSA'. The files included are as follows. 0README.LIS - this file. simpleserver.cgi - a simple server (written in Perl). secondserver.cgi - a second simple server (written in Perl). genfield.c - C source code for program genfield which is used by simpleserver.cgi and secondserver.cgi. query.TXT - CURSA/STL header for the query log written by secondserver.cgi. simpleconfig.cfg - a simple configuration file. simple.TAB - An example table in the TST (tab-separated table) format. See SSN/75 for further details. Clive Davenhall, 11/4/00. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clive Davenhall Institute for Astronomy, e-mail (internet, JANET): acd @ roe.ac.uk Royal Observatory Edinburgh, fax from within the UK: 0131-668-8416 Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, fax from overseas: +44-131-668-8416 EH9 3HJ, Scotland.