TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Compiling the Gadget file viewer 1.1 Dependencies 1.2 Specifying compilers and flags 1.3 Specifying library locations 1.4 Example compilation 1.5 PlPlot configuration 1.6 HDF5 configuration 2. Using the Gadget file viewer 2.1 Reading a snapshot 2.2 Random sampling 2.3 Using a 3D display 2.4 Making movies 2.5 Selecting particles to follow between snapshots 2.6 Making plots 2.7 Using multiple processors 2.8 Reading extra particle properties - HDF5 snapshots - Binary type 2 snapshots 2.9 Reading additional arrays from auxiliary files 1. Compiling the Gadget file viewer =================================== This package uses a configure script generated using GNU Autoconf. You can get a summary of the available options by running ./configure --help In the unlikely event that all of the dependencies are installed in standard locations and you don't need any special compiler flags, you might get away with just doing ./configure --prefix= make make install where is the directory where the program should be installed. 1.1 Dependencies ---------------- In order to compile the program you need at least a C compiler, a Fortran 90 compiler, and the GTK+ 2.0 GUI library. The program also has several optional dependencies: - HDF5 : allows reading of HDF5 snapshots - libpng: required for writing out movie frames and screenshots - PlPlot: to make scatterplots and histograms of particle properties (plplot is no longer necessary as the gadgetviewer can use Cairo, which is a dependency of Gtk, instead) If any of these are missing, some features will be unavailable. The configure script generates a warning for each library which can't be found. 1.2 Specifying compilers and flags ---------------------------------- The compilers to use can be specified by setting the following environment variables before running the configure script: CC - C compiler CFLAGS - C compiler flags FC - Fortran 90 compiler FCFLAGS - Fortran compiler flags 1.3 Specifying library locations -------------------------------- If libraries are installed in non-standard locations (i.e. not somewhere like /usr/lib), the following parameters can be used to tell configure where to find the libraries: --with-hdf5=... - specify path to HDF5 --with-plplot=... - specify path to PlPlot --with-png=... - specify path to libpng The supplied directory should contain the 'include' and 'lib' subdirectories for the corresponding library. E.g. if is in /opt/local/hdf5/current/lib/ then you would use ./configure --with-hdf5=/opt/local/hdf5/current/ The program can be compiled without a particular library by doing something like: ./configure --without-hdf5 If you're having problems linking a library you can use the LIBS and LDFLAGS environment variables to pass extra flags to the linker. Some points to note: * The Fortran interfaces to PlPlot and HDF5 need to be compiled with the same compiler as this program. This is because the module file format varies between compilers. * To read snapshots larger than 2Gb the program needs to be compiled in 64 bit mode, in which case all of the libraries need to be compiled as 64 bit too. * Libraries installed by a package manager sometimes don't include the header files which are necessary to compile anything that uses the library. It may be necessary to install a separate "dev" package with the headers. * gfortran will compile this program but you need at least version 4.2 to be able to read binary snapshots. Stream I/O is not implemented in 4.1. 1.4 Example compilation ----------------------- Here's the script I use to build it on icc-graphics: #!/bin/tcsh setenv CC "gcc" setenv CFLAGS "-O2 -m64" setenv FC "pgf90" setenv FCFLAGS "-tp amd64e -Mlarge_arrays -fPIC -fast -Mfprelaxed -mp" ./configure \ --prefix=/gal/dsk3/jch/Code/GadgetViewer/ \ --with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5/current/ \ --with-plplot=/export/disk/tmp/jch/software/plplot/plplot-5.6.1/ make make install 1.5 PlPlot configuration ------------------------ If you're having problems compiling PlPlot then as a last resort you could try disabling features that the gadget file viewer doesn't need. To do this, pass the following parameters to cmake: -DENABLE_tcl=OFF -DENABLE_cxx=OFF -DENABLE_gnome2=OFF -DENABLE_wxwidgets=OFF -DENABLE_DYNDRIVERS=OFF -DPLD_gcw=OFF -DPLD_wxwidgets=OFF -DPLD_hp7470=OFF -DPLD_hp7580=OFF -DPLD_lj_hpgl=OFF The gadget file viewer just needs the Fortran interface and the 'mem' output driver, which is built in and can't be disabled. 1.6 HDF5 configuration ---------------------- HDF5 must be compiled with the Fortran interface enabled. If it is compiled without compression support then compressed HDF5 snapshots will be unreadable. 2. Using the Gadget file viewer =============================== 2.1 Reading a snapshot ---------------------- The name of a snapshot file to read can be specified on the command line or a file can be selected through the File menu. If the file is part of a multi file snapshot then the other files will be read too. Binary (type 1 and type 2) and HDF5 snapshots can be read. Positions, IDs and masses are always read for all particles. Other particle properties may also be loaded depending on the file format (see 2.8 below). 2.2 Random sampling ------------------- By default the program shows up to 250,000 particles. If there are more than this a random sample is shown. If you zoom in on a particular region of the simulation you can make it draw the sample from just this region by clicking the resample button. Alternatively you can activate the automatic resampling option in the View menu. This resamples the particles whenever the zoom factor changes by some amount. Its best not to use this in conjunction with the smoothed density plot because the smoothing lengths are recalculated whenever the particles are resampled. The maximum number of particles to show can be changed with the View/View parameters option. 2.3 Using a 3D display ---------------------- To use it with a stereoscopic display which expects side by side images, load a snapshot then select "Side by side stereo" from the View menu and press the full screen button at the top of the window. A slider on the toolbar allows you to adjust the eye separation to get a comfortable 3D effect. 2.4 Making movies ----------------- Select "Make movie" from the options menu. "Rotating movie" makes a movie of the particle distribution rotating about the selected point. "Evolving movie" loops over a range of snapshots and makes one frame per snapshot, optionally re-centering the view on the selected particles before calculating each frame. It writes out the frames as png files so you need to use something like mencoder to encode the movie. Evolving movies will look best if you ensure that the sampling rate is 100% before making the movie. Otherwise you get a lot of flickering because it uses a different random sample for each frame. 2.5 Selecting particles to follow between snapshots --------------------------------------------------- "Select particles" under the Options menu allows you to highlight particles according to property values and/or their distance from the selected point. It uses the IDs from the snapshot file to identify particles, so if you have a simulation where the IDs are not unique you may get strange results. For example, any particle with the same ID as a selected particle will be selected too. Particles stay selected when you change snapshots, so you can use this to identify progenitors of a particular halo, for example. It is possible to select up to six different sets of particles simultaneously. The drop down box at the top of the "Select particles" window allows you to specify which set to operate on, and you can specify a name and a colour for each one. The chosen colour is used to highlight the selected particles in the main display and in the graph window (see below). 2.6 Making plots ---------------- "Make plot" in the options menu allows you to plot a histogram of the values of a particle property or to make a scatterplot of one property against another (e.g. temperature vs density). Particles in the current sample are shown in red and each set of selected particles is shown in the appropriate colour for that set. The plot will update automatically if you choose a different sample, change snapshots or modify a selection. If the property plotted on the x or y axis cannot be loaded for the current snapshot the graph window will be blank. 2.7 Using multiple processors ----------------------------- The smoothed density plot and smoothing length routines have been parallelised with OpenMP. To use more than one processor, either use the OpenMP option in the Options menu or set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of processors to use. 2.8 Reading extra particle properties ------------------------------------- * HDF5 snapshots If you have a HDF5 snapshot with extra particle properties (ages, metallicities etc), you can make it read them in by putting their dataset names in the file .gadgetviewer/gadget_hdf5_extra_properties in your home directory. Note that duplicate dataset names or names which conflict with quantities which are always read (e.g. Mass, ID) will be silently ignored. The default file contains Metallicity StarFormationRate Temperature Density InternalEnergy The program will read these quantities for each type of particle in the snapshot which has a corresponding HDF5 dataset. * Type 2 binary snapshots You can specify which blocks should be read from type 2 binary snapshots by editing the file .gadgetviewer/gadget_binary_type2_blocks in your home directory. The default file looks like this: U , InternalEnergy, T, F, F, F, F, F, REAL RHO , Density, T, F, F, F, F, F, REAL HSML, SmoothingLength, T, F, F, F, F, F, REAL There is one row for each additional block to be read. The columns are * Four character tag for this block * Name of the particle property stored in the block * Flags (T or F) which specify which particle types this property applies to * Data type - this should be REAL or INTEGER. The precision of the data (4 or 8 byte) is detected using the record markers in the file. Note that vector quantities (e.g. accelerations) cannot be read in this way. There is no need to specify the POS, VEL, ID and MASS blocks because they are always read in anyway. Lines with names or tags that conflict with the standard set of blocks will be ignored. * Type 1 binary snapshots Its not possible to read additional particle properties from type 1 snapshots because there is no way for the program to determine which extra blocks are present. 2.9 Reading additional arrays from auxiliary files -------------------------------------------------- Its possible to read in extra particle properties from ascii or HDF5 files using the "Read additional data" option in the file menu. These files must follow the same naming convention as Gadget snapshots. Each data array can be split across any number of files as long as there is one element for each particle in the snapshot and the values are stored in the same order as in the snapshot. Once an extra property has been read the program will look for a corresponding set of files whenever a new snapshot is loaded. This is done by replacing any instances of the snapshot number in the filename(s).